15 Most Popular Stunning Holiday Destinations
GAdventures’ve been the leaders in small group adventure travel for nearly 30 years.
By listening to GAdventures travellers and giving them what they want: flexible itineraries, freedom to explore, smaller groups, safety and peace of mind, and locally based guides who show you your destination in a way you’d miss travelling any other way.
Adventure is all about having the freedom to follow your curiosity and discovering the unknown.
No matter the Travel Style, our tours balance well-planned itineraries with the flexibility to do your own thing and explore a bit on your own.
From optional activities to free time, you can choose an adventure that will feel truly like your own.
GAdventures wouldn’t be at the top of small group tour operators without making our travellers’ health and safety our highest priority.
So wherever you travel with us, the first thing you can pack is confidence. And then peace of mind. Then your passport.
And then your clothes and stuff. Because after 30 years, GAdventures know how to run life-changing tours and how to take a little detour here or there to adapt to the unexpected.
GAdventures have measures in place to help keep you safe from the moment you book to the moment you (reluctantly) head home.
Group Travel
GAdventures keep our groups small to create a sense of camaraderie and allow for closer connections to the places and people you visit.
Most of GAdventures land tours have no more than 16 travellers and usually average 10-12 people.
The trip of your dreams doesn’t need a Hollywood-sized budget or years of planning. Simply join a small group of like-minded travellers that, like you, are eager to experience all the things that make our world worth exploring.
Solo travel
Single adventurers are welcome on all GAdventures tours! GAdventures ’ll gladly pair you up with a roommate of the same sex to ensure you get the same price.
You also have the option of “My Own Room” — a single room all to yourself at a great price.* Plus, travelling with a small group gets you insider access, safety and support, and camaraderie with an instant squad of travelling companions!
Need a smaller boat
If you’re more the sea-faring type, GAdventures’d love to welcome you aboard any of the intimate vessels in their fleet.
Whether you’re venturing into the arctic on the G Expedition or floating down French canals on a river barge, our ships carry a smaller number of passengers so you can enjoy your journey with plenty of room while still making connections.
A lot of tours
GAdventures have tons of tours. No, really. Tours for you, your family, your friends, your buddy from work who really likes nature documentaries. First trip ever and want to see all the highlights? Got that.
Heading to your seventh continent and want to be treated like the experienced wanderer you are? Got that too.
GAdventures 10 unique Travel Styles group tours together into themes based on what you like or how you want to travel.
Personalize your tour
Squeeze every last drop of adventure out of your tour by customizing it to your liking.
Add on amazing optional activities throughout your tour like hikes, local cooking classes, or helicopter rides depending on where you’re headed.
Want extra time for exploring? Book pre- or post-trip accommodations before or after your tour.
Or let us give you a one-day-or-less introduction to your destination on one of GAdventures separate Day Tours.
Get your share of free time
If you want to do some solo exploring or maybe just need a nap (it happens to the best of us), GAdventures itineraries feature built-in free time to let you do your thing.
Join a small group of like-minded travellers that, like you, are eager to safely and confidently experience all the things that make our world worth exploring.
1. Asia Travel
Sum up touring Asia in a paragraph? Good luck. Positively massive by just about every measure, the sole thread that unites this diverse continent is the sheer diversity of experiences it presents to travellers.
Arid deserts and towering peaks; secluded temples and bustling markets; tiny villages and sprawling cities; ancient history and cutting-edge modernity; teeming crowds and places so remote you won’t find another human being around for miles—Asia encompasses all this and so, so, so much more.
Don’t expect to absorb it all; dive on in and let it seep into your skin.
2. South America Travel
A land awash in ancient history, mind-boggling landscapes, entrancing culture, and non-stop fun, there’s a side of South America that’s perfect for every traveller – including you.
The colossal peaks of Patagonia and the Andes beg to be climbed, while the enveloping rainforests that surround the mighty Amazon seem designed to be explored.
Along the way, reminders of the Inca, the conquistadors, and others who came before dot the landscape, and the intoxicating pull of the vibrant cities is never far away.
The time of your life awaits down here. All you have to do is find it.
3. European Travel
In terms of pure convenience, no continent can touch Europe’s diversity.
With so many countries, cultures, languages, and varieties of cuisine packed into such a comparatively tiny place, you can spend a week in Europe and experience something wildly different every day.
All that variety can be overwhelming, but the secret to getting the most out of Europe is to take it slow.
The Old World has stood for centuries, and it’ll all still be here when you’re ready to come back (which, of course, you’ll want to do immediately after getting home.)
4. Central America & the Caribbean Travel
A skinny belt of countries and islands connecting two much larger continents, Central America and the Caribbean don’t look like much on the map.
But looks have never been more deceiving: enveloping rainforests teeming with all manner of wildlife; cloud-shrouded volcanoes; charming colonial towns; mysterious Mayan ruins; and mile upon glorious mile of white-sand beaches await travellers curious enough to come looking for them.
And as much fun as they are to explore by day, these lands truly come alive at night – often to the beat of salsa, calypso or reggae. These places may be unfamiliar, but now’s the best time to get introduced.
5. North America Travel
A bountiful land of eye-popping landscapes, sprawling cities, and adventure at every turn, North America combines the wonders of nature and man together into an unbeatable package.
Out in the wilds, you’ll encounter forests of towering trees, sun-blasted deserts, mountains that scrape the heavens themselves, and loads of sparkling lakes and rivers.
Meanwhile, the cities teem with all manner of sensory delights, from cutting-edge music and art to caught-that-morning seafood and burgers as big as your head.
These are the lands of plenty, and there’s always enough for seconds (or thirds).
6. Africa Safari
Its name means “sunny place” in the Berber tongue, but “Africa” may as well be a synonym for “vastness.”
A truly massive continent comprising over 20% of the planet’s available land, Africa is home to the world’s largest desert, its longest river, its hottest temperatures, and hundreds of dialects and cultures spread among a billion people.
But as mind-boggling as it seems at first, you’ll be amazed how intimate it feels once you get to know it. This is adventure’s last great frontier. Come blaze some trails.
7. North Africa and the Middle East Travel
As the birthplace of three of the world’s major religions – Christianity, Islam, and Judaism – there’s something inherently spiritual about North Africa and the Middle East.
You can feel it everywhere; in the ancient temples and mosques, in the intoxicating aromas of the bazaars and souks, even in the stunning mountains and red-and-ochre dunescapes that surround cities that have stood since the dawn of time.
And while the past is your constant companion in this part of the world, there’s plenty of room to write some history of your own.
8. Australia & New Zealand Travel
A massive swath of the South Pacific dotted with islands both huge and miniscule, Oceania is a region simultaneously divided and united by the sea.
The coastlines of Australia and New Zealand – the largest nations down in this part of the world – are legendary and endless, but it’s what goes on inland that really makes these places special.
Cosmopolitan cities, mist-shrouded volcanoes, vast deserts, and isolated communities populated with some of the most interesting people you’ll find anywhere await.
There’s no place like this place anyplace, and they can’t wait to prove it to you.
9. Polar Regions Travel
Awestruck reactions are commonplace aboard the G Expedition, our polar expedition ship.
Not only does she steer you closer to some of our planet’s most amazing sights, GAdventures professional and highly-skilled expedition team offers keen insight, unique perspectives, and the hands-on attention you can’t get out of a guidebook.
The Arctic and Antarctica are places you simply can’t get to on your own, and when you return home, you’ll be a different person than when you left.
10. Top Tour Destinations
Vast, wide, bottomless, and limitless: Welcome to Earth, the universe’s #1 travel and tour destination.
There’s more to see, do, touch, smell, and taste on this wondrous little rock than we could possibly cover here, but one thing’s for sure: Wherever you’re headed, GAdventures’re already there.
11. Classic Tours
Looking for that sweet spot between independent backpacking and organized group tours? Congratulations; you found it.
Classic tours combine the support and security of group travel, unbeatable variety, and the flexibility to go off-script when fate says, “Hey, let’s do this.”
When you travel by yourself, you see things one way. When you travel as part of a group, everything looks different.
Tristan’s group featured travellers of different ages, backgrounds, and nationalities; strangers who, by the end of the trip, had become lifelong friends.
12. National Geographic Journeys
National Geographic Journeys with G Adventures is a collection of unique tours designed to take you deeper into the cultures and habitats of the places GAdventures explore.
They offer more inclusions compared to other G Adventures Travel Styles, greater hands-on exploration, interactions with local experts, and the freedom to roam, all within the structure and security of travelling in a small group.
13. 18-to-30 Age Group Tours
So you’re thinking of adventuring around the world? Good call. Sure, there’s no right way to do it. But there is “your way.” Want days filled with culture, followed by nights of just going with the flow? Do it.
Want to go where the entire planet hasn’t already been, with free time to explore how you want? Make it happen.
Want to travel far and wide with new friends from far-off places? You do you. Because in your life, you call the shots. Make sure you travel that way, too.
14. Wellness travel and tours
Travel connects us — to our planet, to its people, and to ourselves.
Wellness travel was created to recharge the body and nourish the mind, our new Wellness tours offer the perfect balance of awe-inspiring destinations, rejuvenating activities, and healthy food experiences, helping you return home feeling even better than when you left.
15. Active adventures
Active adventures get you closer to the destination by letting you hike, bike, and multisport your way through it.
GAdventures provide the equipment, the experts, and the opportunity, you provide the energy. On your mark. Get set. Go Active.
You don’t need to be an elite endurance athlete to enjoy an Active tour. Many are made with the first-time Active traveller in mind.
You know your limits best. Each Active tour comes with a Physical Demand rating to help you decide how much is just enough.
GAdventures classify each Active tour as Hiking, Cycling, and Multi-sport, but that’s not all you’ll do. Each one includes options for other fun pursuits, too.
16. Rail Tours
Before we took to the skies, we rode the rails. The steam locomotive connected the world like no technology that came before it, linking isolated communities to the big cities.
The magic of train travel hasn’t diminished with time, yet most of us have forgotten it. Climb aboard and see your world in a new way all over again.
Ride the rails on trips built around the iconic railways of yore, like Switzerland’s Glacier Express, India’s Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, and the sprawling Trans-Siberian.
Rail travel is greener than going by car, bus, or plane. Take bigger strides, go deeper into the world, leave smaller footprints, and travel with a lighter conscience.
Trains can often get you closer to the heart of the world’s more remote places. Start in the big cities and watch the landscape change from urban to rural to way-out-there.
17. Marine tours
G Adventures Marine tours connect travellers to the world’s greatest aquatic destinations abroad small, intimate ships and yachts.
Each tour has been carefully designed to deliver unparalleled access to out-of-the-way ports and islands, and to foster meaningful connections with local people and cultures in a way you simply won’t get from a large cruise line.
18. Local Living Tours
Always dreamed of getting deep inside one of the world’s greatest and most out-there destinations? You can now.
Agriturismo Local Living tours send you undercover in some of the world’s most interesting places to discover life as it’s lived every day.
Unpack once at a central home base – a Tuscan farmhouse, a rustic lodge in the Amazon jungle – and discover how the locals live with the help of a connected CEO who knows the area best.
You won’t stray too far from your lodgings on a Local Living trip, and once you’ve seen ’em, you won’t want to.
Each trip is based out of a charming and unique residence steeped in local character. Unpack once, meet your host, and start getting the lay of the land.
Itineraries are as loose-fit and flexible as you are. Pursue the whim of the moment and really dig into the elements of your destination that drew you to it in the first place.
GAdventures give you the setting, somewhere to stay, and all the options you want, you fill in the rest.
Dine al fresco in San Gimignano on pasta you help make; hike the Path of the Gods on the Amalfi Coast; learn how to hunt with a blowgun in the Amazon; or live like a nomad on the remote Mongolian steppe.
You’re a local now. Live accordingly.
19. Family Tours
Just because you’ve settled down and had kids doesn’t mean your adventuring days are through. Family tours explore exciting locales — Tanzania, Thailand, the Galápagos, Peru Europe and more — with age-appropriate activities and hotels that know how to cater to families on the move.
Family trips introduce kids to the inner workings of other cultures through language, sports, crafts, and time with experts that bring what they’ve learned in school into real life.
The average Family group consists of about 12 people, typically three or four families from all over the world and with kids around the same age as yours.
Travelling is the perfect way to open up a child’s world to possibility and wonder.
Powerful experiences lead to new interests, and exposure to different cultures, languages, and environments helps the kids of today become the responsible, well-rounded adults of tomorrow.
GAdventures Family trips deliver a seamless mix of adventure and education that’s so much fun they won’t even realize they’re learning something the whole time.
One of the advantages of group travel is the diversity of people you get to share your experience with.
Family trips are a great way for children to meet and interact with other kids from around the world who are close to their own age and share common interests.
It’s not uncommon for families who meet on GAdventures trips to stay close after the trip ends; some even make the experience an annual tradition.
20. Travel with confidence plus
Looking for even more confidence in your choice to travel again? Look no further than GAdventures Travel with Confidence Plus Collection of over 40 incredible small group tours.
The Collection includes all of the new health and safety measures we’re taking on all of GAdventures tours as part of our Travel with Confidence policy, PLUS added steps that go that extra, physically distanced mile.
Each tour in this Collection goes above and beyond your personal space to give you the freedom to explore.
21. Book Your Bubble with Private Travel
Featuring 80 tours and 36 Mini Adventures, this collection gives you and your hand-picked crew the freedom and safety found on all of GAdventures private tours, now with the added bonus of extra savings!
Book Your Bubble of 8 and the eighth spot is 50% off — perfect for a Bubble of two families, a group of friends, or even four couples!
Book Your Bubble of 12 and the 12th spot is FREE — did someone say extended family vacation?
SAVE more! You can also combine your private tour price with current G Adventures sales for added discounts!
Enjoy the added health and safety measures of GAdventures Travel with Confidence policy
Added benefits of our Book with Confidence Policy which lets you cancel and rebook your tour with no change fees closer to the time of departure, giving you added flexibility and peace of mind
Choose a date that works for you
Personalize your tour with optional activities from GAdventures list of great on tour experiences
Let your experienced Chief Experience Officer (CEO) connect you to local experiences and cultures in a way only they can, they have also been trained in new health and safety measures
22. Galápagos Cruises
The Galápagos’ incredible natural diversity is the crucible from which Charles Darwin’s earth-shattering theory of evolution sprang.
There are species of bird, animal, and plant life here that you simply won’t find anywhere else. Blue-footed boobies, giant tortoises, sea lions, marine iguanas – it’s like a nature documentary you can walk through. Get off the couch and come see it for yourself.
23. Expedition-Cruises
Ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Massive, magnificent, and unforgiving, Antarctica is a continent of superlatives that will leave your mind searching for words to describe it.
Each day presents a new discovery, whether you’re cruising through ice-choked waterways, trekking through chattering penguin rookeries, or catching minkes and humpbacks breaching in the pristine waters.
The few travellers who are fortunate enough to explore Antarctica’s vast expanses return home forever changed by an experience so awe-inspiring that it reaches to their very core.
24. Sailing
No matter how far inland we live, there’s something about the sea that calls to us. It’s wide. It’s deep. It’s blue. It’s a canvas upon which we can paint adventures we otherwise can’t do on dry land.
Okay, so you probably don’t have your own private yacht waiting to spirit you away to distant shores.
But we do. Plenty of ‘em. (And a couple of catamarans, too.) Climb aboard and explore the Greek Islands, the Turquoise Coast, the Adriatic, the Andaman Sea, and other exotic places with a small group of fellow adventurers and a skipper who knows your destination’s every isolated cove, pristine beach, and secluded coastal village.
Billions of years ago, we emerged from the sea. Isn’t it time you went back?
25. Amazon River Cruise
Our purpose-built riverboat grants you the freedom to explore the Amazon in comfort.
Boasting roomy public spaces, a cheery upper deck, and stunning, take-it-all-in sightlines, the ship’s decks are the perfect spot from which to survey the pristine rainforest and the dazzling array of colourful birdlife that inhabit it.
26. The Geluxe Collection
World, meet the grandest adventures on Earth. Now featuring 45 trips across 26 destinations, get moving and go deeper into your destination with our growing line of premium active adventures expertly curated to keep you feeling oh-so comfortable.
27. National Geographic Family Journeys
Round up the family, grab your passports, and embark on an unforgettable adventure with National Geographic Family Journeys! Four new adventures have been added to this collection — and they’re calling your name.
Every trip features interactive activities inspired by National Geographic’s unique legacy and expertise in photography and storytelling, wildlife and conservation, history and culture, and exploration.
Family Journeys illuminate the art of photography and storytelling in the great tradition of National Geographic.
Customized National Geographic resources for kids and adults provide inspiration to see the world with new eyes, make real-world connections, and craft compelling travel tales during the trip.
National Geographic is committed to conservation and strives toward a planet in balance. On many Family Journeys, on-trip wildlife and conservation experiences will provide information and inspiration for travelers to remain engaged in wildlife conservation efforts long after returning home.
National Geographic celebrates the history and diversity of human life on Earth. Family Journeys reveal the richness of local cultures in its many forms, whether through language and music, art and architecture, cuisine, clothing, and more
National Geographic has a legendary legacy of exploration. Family Journeys seek to cultivate tomorrow’s explorers—people who are infinitely curious about our planet, committed to understanding it, and passionate about helping make it better
28. The Jane Goodall Collection
Jane Goodall Collection features wildlife-focused tours from all across the world, endorsed by world-renowned ethologist Dr. Jane Goodall. Like all our tours, this collection upholds our Animal Welfare Policy, letting you step deeper into the animal kingdom while still respecting the species who call it home.
For the past four decades, the Jane Goodall Institute has worked to foster a deeper understanding of great apes, and to provide support for the communities and other animals who share their natural habitats.
G Adventures is honoured to partner with the institute, and as a result, a portion of every adventure booked will go towards supporting the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada.
29. Explore Top LGBTQ+ Friendly Destinations
Changing the world through travel is baked into who we are at G Adventures. Our team around the world deeply values diversity, inclusivity, and the power of community. Pride isn’t just an annual event, it’s a year-round commitment.
We wholeheartedly embrace and stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community so every traveller feels valued on their journey with us.
G Adventures works closely with CASA G LGBTQ+ to improve and foster greater inclusivity within our organization. We commit to sharing the progress of our ongoing efforts.
30. Roamies by Hostelworld
The thrill of adventure. The awesomeness of hostels. Get ‘em both with Roamies by Hostelworld and G Adventures: ridiculously immersive small-group trips for 18 to 35-year-old travellers that’ll have you exploring iconic destinations and staying in some of the best hostels the world has to offer.